Florida Criminal Course 2025 (Silk)

The space for the 2025 Crime Silk has been allocated.  However if you are interested in the 2026 course, please contact the administrator. 

The South Eastern Circuit Florida Criminal Law Advocacy Course, held at the University of Florida, Gainesville
One week - 20th July - 25th July 2025

The South Eastern Circuit seeks a Silk with a criminal practice to attend the South Eastern Circuit Florida Criminal Law Advocacy course, held at the University of Florida, Gainesville.

Applicants must be a paid up member of the SEC, (application for membership of the Circuit may be made at the same time) and demonstrate real diversity of experience and detailed knowledge of criminal law and procedure at the Bar of England and Wales.

This annual event has now been running for over 30 years and provides an opportunity to become involved in a fascinating teaching programme laid on for the benefit of the Florida Bar and for the four British junior criminal practitioners who will be attending with the Silk.

The successful applicant is expected to take part in advocacy exercises, to provide feedback to participants and to host a small drinks reception. He or she will demonstrate qualities marking him or her out as an appropriate ambassador of our profession.

A helpful guide on what to expect is HERE.   

In the event that more than one Silk expresses an interest, priority will be given to accredited advocacy trainers.

The course fees, accommodation and flights are funded by the Florida Bar Association. The Successful candidate will be expected to travel to Gainesville in time to attend the course on 20th July 2025.

An application for accreditation for CPD has been made. Previous courses, which were accredited by the Bar Standards Board, attracted 9 hours advocacy, 2 hours Ethics and 25 CPD hours.

If interested, please send a short covering letter to the Administrator, Aaron Dolan, email: aaron.dolan@southeastcircuit.org.uk by 1st March 2025.