Central London
Central London Bar Mess
James Thacker KC, Deka Chambers
Emilie Morrison, 23ES
William Dean, Deka Chambers
Circuit Representatives:
Woolwich Crown Court: Vacant
Inner London Crown Court: Peta-Louise Bagott, Doughty Street Chambers
Central London Country Court: Vacant
Southwark Crown Court: Faras Baloch, Red Lion Chambers
Membership Secretary:
Dominic Hockley, 2 Harcourt Buildings
Social Secretary:
Amelia Katz, Deka Chambers
The Chair of the Mess, members of the Committee and the Juniors who represent the Bar Mess at each Court, deal with a considerable number of matters which affect the interests of the Bar at the Courts which the Mess covers, such as accommodation, catering, listing, and implementation of any pilots, new practices, and procedures. Any suggestions or concerns should be directed to the juniors of each Court, or the Junior of the Mess.
Representatives of the Bar Mess and the Chair of the Mess liaise with the Resident Judges about the implementation of new practices relating to court business.
The Mess is represented in wider forums. The Chair and Junior serve on the South Eastern Circuit committee and we represent the interests of the Bar at Court User Meetings.
The Mess will hold social functions throughout the year.
Inner London
Woolwich Crown Court
Central London County Court