Central Criminal Court

Central Criminal Court Bar Mess



Tom Little KC, First Senior Treasury Counsel, Deka Chambers 



Circuit Representative:

Jocelyn Ledward KC, Senior Treasury Counsel, QEB Hollis Whiteman

CPS Liaison:

Joel Smith, Funival Chambers


The Central Criminal Court Bar Mess represents the interests of all Old Bailey practitioners, and seeks to maintain the high standards enjoyed at the old Bailey by the Bar. We provide a large selection of daily papers in the Bar Mess, and liaise closely with the catering staff. As a result the old Bailey Bar Mess is always busy, with a unique and excellent atmosphere.


The officers of the Mess represent the interests of all barristers appearing at the Central Criminal Court. We will act as a point of liaison between the Bar, the Court staff and the Recorder of London, dealing with matters such as accommodation, catering, listing and other facilities. 


The Mess is also represented on the South Eastern Circuit committee. 


The Mess also holds drinks parties and dinners on a rather occasional basis. 


Membership of the Central Criminal Court Bar Mess is only £30 p.a., fully tax deductible at your highest rate of tax. To join please contact Joel Smith (Furnival Chambers) or Jocelyn Ledward KC (QEB Hollis Whiteman).